92 Chapter 4Index of Error MessagesError Message ListError Messages Check or do the following in sequence:Stuck Key See “Keyboard or Auxiliary Input Device Check” on page 88.System CMOS checksum bad - Defaultconfiguration usedT RTC battery.T Run the BIOS Setup Utility to reconfigure the system time,then reboot system.Real time clock error T RTC batteryT Run the BIOS Setup Utility to reconfigure system time, thenreboot system.T MainboardPrevious boot incomplete - Defaultconfiguration usedT Run “Load Setup Defaults” in BIOS Setup Utility.T RTC batteryT MainboardInvalid System Configuration Data T Run “Load Setup Defaults” in BIOS Setup Utility.T MainboardOperating system not found T Run the BIOS Setup Utility to check if the fixed disk and driveA are properly identified.T CD/DVD-ROM driveT Hard disk driveT MainboardPower-on indicator turns off and LCD isblank.T Power source (battery pack and power adapter.) See “PowerSystem Check” on page 89.T Ensure every connector is connected tightly and correctly.T Reconnect the DIMMT MainboardPower-on indicator turns on and LCDis blank.T Power source (battery pack and power adapter.) See “PowerSystem Check” on page 89.T Reconnect the LCD connectorT Hard disk driveT LCD cableT LCD inverter boardT LCDT MainboardPower-on indicator turns on and LCDis blank. But you can see POST on anexternal CRT.T Reconnect the LCD connectors.T LCD cableT LCD inverter boardT LCDT MainboardPower-on indicator turns on and ablinking cursor shown on LCD duringPOST.T Ensure every connector is connected tightly and correctly.T MainboardFailure Fixed Disk T Reconnect the hard disk drive connector.T Run “Load Setup Defaults” in BIOS Setup Utility.T Hard disk driveT Mainboard