Chapter 2 47Parameter Description OptionsACPI Function This item allows you to enable or disable the ACPIfunctionEnabledDisabledACPI Suspend Type This item specifies the power saving modes for ACPIfunction. S1(POS): The S1 sleep mode is a low powerstate. In this state, no system context (CPU or chipset)is lost and hardware maintains all system context. S3(STR): The S3 sleep mode is s power-down state inwhich power is supplied only to essential componentssuch as main memory and wake-capable devices andall system context is saved to main memory. Theinformation stored in memory will be used to restorethe PC to the previous state when an wake-up eventoccurs.S1 (POS) : Set ACPI suspendtype to S1/POS(Power OnSuspend).S3 (STR) : Set ACPI suspendtype to S3/STRHDD Power Down Mode This setting controls how long a hard disk drive mustbe left idle before ir spins down.DisabledStandbySuspendSoft-off by PWR-BTTN This feature allows users to configure the power buttonfunction.Instand-off : Press downbutton then power off instantlyDelay 4 Sec. : Press powerbutton 4 sec. to power off.Enter suspend if button ispressed less than 4 sec.PWRON After PWR-BTTN Under ACPI, you can create a software power down. Ifthe item is set to Instant-Off, then the power buttoncauses a software power down. If the item is set toDelay 4 Sec, then you have to hole the power buttondown for 4 seconds to cause a software power down.Delay 4 SecOn/OffPower On by Ring An input signal on the serial Ring Indicator (RI) line (inother words, an incoming call on the modem) awakensthe system from a soft off state.Disabled : Disable Power Onby Ring functionEnabled : Enable Power Onby Ring functionWake-Up by PCI Card This option allows the activity of the PCI devices towake up the system from S3 sleep state.DisabledEnabledUSB KB Wake Up From S3 This option allows the activity of the USB devicesto wake up the system from S3 sleep state.EnabledDisabledResume by Alarm You can set “Resume by Alarm” item to enabled andkey in Data/Time to power on systemDisabled : Disable thisfunctionEnabled : Enable alarmfunction to Power On systemIf RTC Alarm Lead To PowerOn is Enabled.Date (of Month) Alarm :Everyday, 1~31Time (hh:mm:ss) Alarm:(0.~23):(0~59):(0~59)