85Safety regulationsThe limits are part of extensive recommendations for the pro-tection of the general public. These recommendations havebeen developed and checked by independent scientific organi-zations through regular and thorough evaluations of scientificstudies. To guarantee the safety of all persons, regardless ofage and health, the limits include a significant safety buffer.Before radio devices can be put in circulation, their agreementwith European laws or limits must be confirmed; only thenmay the CE symbol be applied.The unit of measurement for the European Council's recom-mended limit for mobile telephones is the "Specific AbsorptionRate" (SAR). This SAR limit is 2.0 W/kg, averaged over 10 g ofbody tissue. It meets the requirements of the InternationalCommission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) andwas included in the European Standard EN 50360 for mobileradio devices. The SAR regulation for mobile telephones is inline with European Standard EN 62209-1.The maximum SARvalue is calculated at the highest output level in all frequencybands of the mobile telephone. During use, the actual SARlevel is usually much lower than the maximum value, becausethe mobile telephone works in different output levels. It onlytransmits with as much output as is required to reach the net-work. In general the following applies: The closer you are to abase station, the lower the transmission output of your mobiletelephone. The tested SAR of this device is as follows:CE NCCHead (W/kg 10g) Body (W/kg 10g) Head (W/kg 10g) Body (W/kg 10g)0.656 1.85 (1.5 cm) 0.656 NA