P223WEN-22(VGA Mode)TROUBLESHOOTINGBefore sending your LCD monitor for servicing, please check the trouble-shooting list below to see if you can self-diagnose the problem.Problems Current Status RemedyNo PictureLED ON · Using OSD, adjust brightness and contrastto maximum or reset to their defaultsettings.LED OFF · Check the power switch.· Check if AC power cord is properlyconnected to the monitor.LED displaysamber color· Check if video signal cable is properlyconnected at the back of monitor.· Check if the power of computer system isON.AbnormalPictureUnstablePicture· Check if the specification of graphicsadapter and monitor is in compliancewhich may be causing the input signalfrequency mismatch.Display ismissing, centershift, or toosmall or toolarge in displaysize· Using OSD, adjust RESOLUTION, CLOCK,CLOCK-PHASE, H-POSITION and V-POSITION with non-standard signals.· Using OSD, in case of missing full-screenimage, please select other resolution orother vertical refresh timing.· Wait for a few seconds after adjusting thesize of the image before changing ordisconnecting the signal cable or poweringOFF the monitor.