Chapter 1 17Acer Empowering TechnologyAcer’s innovative Empowering Technology makes it easy for you to access frequently used functions andmanage your new Acer notebook. It features the following handy utilities:T Acer eNet Management hooks up to location-based networks intelligently.T Acer ePower Management extends battery power via versatile usage profiles.T Acer ePresentation Management connects to a projector and adjusts display settings conveniently.T Acer eDataSecurity Management protects data with passwords and advanced encryption algorithms.T Acer eLock Management limits access to external storage media.T Acer eRecovery Management backs up and recovers data flexibly, reliably and completely.T Acer eSettings Management accesses system information and adjusts settings easily.T Acer ePerformance Management improves system performance by optimizing disk space, memory andregistry settings.For more information, press the < > key to launch the Empowering Technology toolbar, then click on theappropriate utility and select the Help or Tutorial function.Empowering Technology passwordBefore using Acer eLock Management and Acer eRecovery Management, you must initialize the EmpoweringTechnology password. Right-click on the Empowering Technology toolbar and select “Password Setup” to doso. If you do not initialize the Empowering Technology password, you will be prompted to do so when runningAcer eLock Management or Acer eRecovery Management for the first time.Acer eNet ManagementAcer eNet Management helps you to quickly and easily connect to both wired and wireless networks in avariety of locations. To access this utility, either click on the “Acer eNet Management” icon on your notebook,or start the program from the Start menu. You also have the option to set Acer eNet Management to startautomatically when you boot up your PC.Acer eNet Management automatically detects the best settings for a new location, while offering you thefreedom to manually adjust the settings to match your needs.