9OPERATIONUsing the Weather StationLearning ModeSelf-Calibrating Forecasting uses a unique algorithm to analyze changes inpressure over a time period (called Learning Mode) to determine your altitude.After 14 days, the Learning Mode icon disappears from the display screen. Atthis point, the self-calibrated pressure is tuned in to your location and the unit isready for superior weather prediction.Weather ForecastAcuRite’s patented Self-Calibrating Forecasting provides your personal forecastof weather conditions for the next 12 to 24 hours by collecting data fromthe sensor in your backyard. It generates a forecast with pinpoint accuracy -personalized for your exact location.View the complete list of icons at www.AcuRite.com/acurite-iconsBarometric PressureSubtle variations in barometric pressure greatly affect the weather. Thisweather station displays the current pressure with an arrow icon to indicate thedirection the pressure is trending (FALLING, STEADY, or RISING).Moon PhaseTrack the phases of the moon, conveyed through simple lunar phase icons:FULLNEW WAXINGCRESCENTWANINGCRESCENT1STQUARTER3RDQUARTERSTORMDEVELOPING(Flashing)SNOWLIKELYLIGHT RAINLIKELYPARTLYCLOUDYSUNNYCLOUDY