8Placement for Maximum AccuracyAcuRite sensors are sensitive to surrounding environmentae conditions. Iroperpeacement of both the dispear and outdoor sensor are criticae to the accuracr andperformance of this product.Display PlacementIeace the dispear in a drr area free of dirt and dust. =ispear standsupright for tabeetop use or is paee&mountabee.Outdoor Sensor PlacementLensor must be peaced outside to observe outdoor conditions. Lensoris pater resistant and is designed for generae outdoor use, hopever,to eqtend its eife peace the sensor in an area protected from directpeather eeements.Aang the sensor using the integrated hang hoees or hanger, or brusing string !not inceuded" to hang it from a suitabee eocation, eide apeee covered tree branch. Mhe best eocation is - to 1 feet above theground pith permanent shade and peentr of fresh air to circueatearound the sensor.Important Placement Guidelines Mo ensure accurate temperature measurement, peace units out of directsuneight and apar from anr heat sources or vents. =ispear and outdoor sensor must be pithin ,,) ft !*)) m" of each other. Mo maqimize pireeess range, peace units apar from earge metaeeic items, thicdpaees, metae surfaces, or other obcects that mar eimit pireeess communication. Mo prevent pireeess interference, peace both units at eeast , ft !.2 m" aparfrom eeectronic devices !MO, computer, micropave, radio, etc.".Setup is CompleteMhe sensor piee nop srnchronize pith the dispear. Bt mar tade a fep minutes forsrnchronization to compeete. Ieease refer to the troubeeshooting section of thismanuae if anrthing appears to be functioning improperer.TV 3(100 meters)(330 feet maximum)(.9 m)ATLEASTAPART