ARF53 User GuideRef. 08-07-V6-lmn p 13Command modeThe command mode is used to read and update the modem configurationregisters using AT command.NOTEThe AT command can be locked using ATPWD command.In command mode, the radio is inhibited (reception and transmission),excepted when using test command.Entering command mode: issues on the serial link a +++ sequence. Thesequence of 3 consecutive + characters is accepted only if no character havebeen seen before and after the +++ sequence. Register (S214) defines thesilence duration.TIPS 1if you are using a terminal (such as Hyperterm), you have to send the +++sequence using a text file (first create a text file containing only the +++characters, and then use in Hyperterm the command “Send text file” in the“Transfer menu”)TIPS 2Exiting command mode (return back in transceiver mode): send the serialcommandATO E ASY C HECKWhen receiving a right command, modem will answer:‘O’ (ASCII character 0x4F) for accepted command (or OK command)‘E’ for error