www.advancedco.com2 CommissioningAll commissioning items are accessed by using the navigation keys and selecting the appropriate item from thecommissioning menu. Wherever possible the menus have been chosen to follow a similar format to the MX firepanels.[Commission Menu 1]PASSWORDS ZONEEXITPC-CONFIG SETUPVIEWThe steps needed to configure the remote terminal are as follows: -a) Enter network and service details from SETUPb) Use the PASSWORD option to enter any custom passwords.c) Use the ZONE option to enter the text corresponding to the terminal’s zone.EXIT from commissioning into normal Level 2 operation. Check network.2.1 PasswordsAllows the passwords used for level 2 and level 3 accesses to be changed. The remote terminal uses the samedefaults as the fire panel.2.2 ZoneShows the text corresponding to the terminal zone. Pressing the Tick key allows the text to be changed. It isrecommended that text be chosen that describes where the terminal is in the building, so that in the event of theEVACUATION key being used, all panels and terminals on the network will show where the fire has been detected.This text will also be displayed if the terminal’s monitored power supply FLT input goes open or short circuit.2.3 ExitOnce commissioning is completed, use Exit to return the terminal to normal level 2 operation. It is recommendedthat once at level 2, the VIEW/NETWORK option be used to check the network configuration (see networkdocument for details).2.4 SetupBasic network configuration must always be performed first: -[Setup]THIS NETWORK NODE : 2NEXT NETWORK NODE : 3TERMINAL ZONE : 98SERVICE NUMBER : 01234 567890“THIS NETWORK NODE” - The network node address for this terminal.“NEXT NETWORK NODE” - The address of the next network node“TERMINAL ZONE” - The zone number used to identify this terminal – select a number that is not beingused by the fire panels or other terminals.- (The text description of the zone is entered from the “ZONE” option off thecommission menu)