57 ARK-2232 User ManualChapter 3 AMI BIOS Setup3.1.6 Save & Exit Save Changes and ExitThis item allows you to exit system setup after saving the changes. Discard Changes and ExitThis item allows you to exit system setup without saving any changes. Save Changes and ResetThis item allows you to reset the system after saving the changes. Discard Changes and ResetThis item allows you to rest system setup without saving any changes. Save ChangesThis item allows you to save changes done so far to any of the options. Discard ChangesThis item allows you to discard changes done so far to any of the options. Restore DefaultsThis item allows you to restore/load default values for all the options. Save as User DefaultsThis item allows you to save the changes done so far as user defaults. Restore User DefaultsThis item allows you to restore the user defaults to all the options. Boot OverrideBoot device select can override your boot priority.