EPC-S201 User Manual 50B.1 SUSI API IntroductionTo make hardware easier and more convenient to access for programmers, Advan-tech has released a suite of API (Application Programming Interface) in the form of aprogram library. The program library is called Secured and Unified Smart Interface orSUSI for short.SUSI provides a uniform API for application programmers to access the hardwarefunctions in different Operating Systems and on different Advantech hardware plat-forms.Application programmers can invoke the functions exported by SUSI instead of call-ing the drivers directly. The benefit of using SUSI is portability. The same set of APIsis defined for different Advantech hardware platforms. Also, the same API set isimplemented in different Operating Systems. This user's manual describes somesample programs and the API in SUSI. The hardware functions currently supportedby SUSI can be grouped into a few categories including Watchdog and HardwareMonitor. Each category of API in SUSI is briefly described below.B.1.1 The Watchdog APIA watchdog timer (abbreviated as WDT) is a hardware device which triggers anaction, e.g. rebooting the system, if the system does not reset the timer within a spe-cific period of time. The WDT API in SUSI provides developers with functions such asstarting the timer, resetting the timer, and setting the timeout value if the hardwarerequires customized timeout values.B.1.2 The Hardware Monitor APIThe hardware monitor (abbreviated as HWM) is a system health supervision capabil-ity achieved by placing certain I/O chips along with sensors for inspecting the targetof interests for certain condition indexes, such as temperature and voltage etc.However, due to the inaccuracy among many commercially available hardware mon-itoring chips, Advantech has developed a unique scheme for hardware monitoring -achieved by using a dedicated micro-processor with algorithms specifically designedfor providing accurate, real-time and reliable data content; helping protect your sys-tem in a more reliable manner.