PCM-3341 Userís Manual 122.6 Serial ports (CN8)The PCM-3341offers four serial ports, three RS-232. These ports allowyou to connect to any serial device (a mouse, printers, etc.) or communi-cation network.2.6.1 COM1,COM3,COM4 RS-232 port (CN8)The serial port connector's consist of a 10-pin dual-in-line pin head hous-ing.2.6.2 COM2 RS-232/422/485 port (CN3)The secondary port, located above COM2, consists of two 10-pin, dual-in-line pin head housing.The IRQ and address range for these ports are fixed. However, if youwish to disable the port or change these parameters later, you can do thisin the system BIOS setup. The table below shows the settings for thePCM-3341 board's ports.2.7 Primary IDE 44-pin connector (CN2)The built-in Enhanced IDE (Integrated Device Electronics) controllersupports up to two IDE devices, including CD-ROM drives, tape backupdrives, a large hard disk drive and other IDE devices.2.7.1 Connecting the hard driveConnecting drives is done in a daisy-chain fashion. It requires one or twocables, depending on the drive size. All necessary cables are included inyour PCM-3341 package. 1.8" and 2.5" drives need a 1 x 44-pin to 2 x44-pin flat-cable connector. 3.5" drives need a 1 x 44-pin to 2 x 40-pinconnector.Wire number 1 on the cable is red or blue, and the other wires are gray.Table 2.2: Serial port default settingsPort Address Interrupt DefaultCOM1 3E8, 3F8 IRQ4 3F8COM2 2E8, 2F8 IRQ3 2F8COM3 270,277 IRQ5 270COM4 2F0,2F7 IRQ10 2F0