Contents - user manual
- packing list
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- general information
- Introduction
- VGA/LVDS Interface
- Mechanical and Environmental
- Board layout: dimensions
- Figure 1.2:Board layout: Dimensions (Solder Side)
- Jumpers
- Locating Connectors
- Setting Jumpers
- Installing SO-DIMMs
- Solid State Disk
- Audio interfaces (CN34/35)
- LVDS TFT LCD connector (CN42)
- GPIO (General Purpose Input Output) (CN36/CN37)
- CMOS RAM Auto-backup and Restore
- Entering Setup
- Standard CMOS Setup
- Figure 3.2:Advanced BIOS features screen
- Typematic Rate (Chars/Sec)
- Integrated peripherals screen
- EPP Mode Select
- Video Off In Suspend
- PnP/PCI Configurations
- PC Health Status
- Save & Exit Setup
- Chapter 4 PCI SVGA/LCD Setup
- Connections to Two Standard LCDs
- Installation of the SVGA Driver
- Installation chipset AES driver
- Installation of VGA driver
- PCI Bridge
- Further Information
- audio setup
- Chapter 5 Audio Setup
- Windows XP drivers
- Chapter 6 Ethernet Interface
- Installation for Windows XP
- pin assignments
- Appendix A Pin Assignments
- Table A.3:CN39, COM2 Setting
- Table A.5:CN42, LVDS LCD I/F
- Table A.7:CN4, TFT LCD I/F
- Table A.8:CN5, Inverter Power
- Table A.10:CN32, Reset / Buzzer pin header
- Table A.12:CN37, GPIO2
- Table A.14:CN27, CRT
- Table A.16:CN17, USB3/4
- Table A.17:CN30, COM1/2/3/4
- Table A.18:CN19, Print Port
- Table A.19:CN20, RS422/485
- Table A.21:CN34, AUDIO-IN
- Table A.23:CN26, LAN1
- Table A.25:CN40, DDR RAM SOCKET
- system assignments
- Appendix B System Assignments
- B.2 1st MB memory map
- B.4 Interrupt assignments
- Appendix C Mechanical Drawings
viiContentsChapter 1 Introduction ......................................................21.1 Introduction ....................................................................... 21.2 Features ............................................................................. 21.3 Specifications .................................................................... 21.3.1 Standard PC/104 H-EBX SBC Functions....................... 21.3.2 VGA/LVDS Interface ..................................................... 31.3.3 Ethernet Interface............................................................ 31.3.4 Audio Function ............................................................... 31.3.5 OS support ...................................................................... 31.3.6 Mechanical and Environmental ...................................... 41.4 Board layout: dimensions.................................................. 5Figure 1.2:Board layout: Dimensions (Solder Side)....... 6Chapter 2 Installation ........................................................82.1 Jumpers.............................................................................. 8Table 2.1:Jumper/Switch Setting:................................... 82.2 Connectors......................................................................... 8Table 2.2:Connector Table: ............................................ 82.3 Locating Connectors ....................................................... 10Figure 2.1:Connectors (component side)...................... 10Figure 2.2:Connectors (solder side).............................. 102.4 Setting Jumpers ............................................................... 112.5 Installing SO-DIMMs ..................................................... 122.6 IDE, CDROM hard drive connector (CN11) .................. 122.6.1 Connecting the hard drive............................................. 122.7 Solid State Disk............................................................... 132.7.1 Compact Flash (CN41) ................................................. 132.8 Parallel port connector (CN19) ....................................... 132.9 Keyboard and PS/2 mouse connector (CN18) ................ 132.10 Power connectors (CN38) ............................................... 132.10.1 Main power connector, +5 V, +12 V (CN38)............... 132.10.2 Power Reset button ....................................................... 132.11 Audio interfaces (CN34/35) ............................................ 142.11.1 Audio connector Audio-out(CN35), Audio-in(CN34) . 142.12 COM port connector (CN20,CN30)................................ 142.12.1 Serial Port RS-422/485 (CN20).................................... 14Table 2.3:Serial Port RS-422/485 (CN39).................... 142.13 VGA/LCD interface connections .................................... 142.13.1 CRT display connector (CN27) .................................... 142.13.2 TTL TFT LCD connector (CN4) .................................. 142.13.3 LVDS TFT LCD connector (CN42)............................. 15 PreviousNext |