User’s Manual8.3 Questions and AnswersQuestion: When the scanner is powered on, it makesnoises and won’t stand ready.Answer: There are two possibilities:1) You might fail to push the scannershipping lock to its “unlocked” position. Ifthis is the case, pull the scanner statusswitch to its “unlocked” position first.2) The scanner is not placed on an even, flatdesktop surface. This may cause the scannerto malfunction.Question: While scanning, the scanner often makesnoises, or it scans back and forth.Answer: Usually this means the memory of yourcomputer is not enough or the speed of yourCPU too slow. Please try to increase yourmemory to at least 32M or replace your CPUwith Pentium or later.Question: Why is it that the scanned image alwayscomes out to be too dark?Answer: 1) Please adjust the screen settings to SRGB.2) Please adjust the brightness settings onthe screen from application software.8-3