57Viewing the User’s ManualThe SC8800 provides a very convenient feature to view the user’s manual on thetouch screen. To view or download the user’s manual, please follow these steps:1. On the main operation screen, tap the Information button ( ), theInformation/Report page appears.2. On the Information/Report page, tap on the screen. The user’smanual will be displayed on the screen.3. Use the scroll bar on the screen to go through the rest pages. Or you maydownload the manual (PDF file) to your computer by inserting a SD card or aUSB flash drive on the card reader of the machine and saving the manual toyour SD card or USB flash drive.To download the user’s manual to the SD card or USB flash drive,1. Insert a SD card or USB flash drive to the SD card port or USB port on the cardreader of the machine.2. On the User’s Manual’s page, tape on the screen.3. Select your desired destination if you have inserted more than one disk drive.4. Tap on the screen to start download the file to your selected disk drive.5. In a second, the file will be downloaded and the “Sending file successful”message will be displayed on the screen. Tap on the screen to return tothe main screen.