EU Declaration of ConformitySpectrum Camera Solutions,LLCSpectrum Camera Solutions declares that under our sole responsibility that the product (s)listed below conform to the relevant provisions of 2014/34/EU of August 29, 2018Doc No. 100108292018 2014/34/EU Spectrum Camera Solutions, LLC 8935 Almeda Genoa Rd. Houston, TX77075Notified Body FM Approvals Ltd. 1 Windsor Dials,Windsor, Berkshire, UK. SL4 1RSProduct(s) Network Ethernet CamerasModel numbers D SeriesDab-c-d-e. Network Ethernet Camera.a = Housing length 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 (or any three digits from 084 to 196 representing custom housinglengths in mm).b = Camera manufacturer code (two digits) 01 to 99.c = Material A or S.d = Several characters representing the camera manufacturer’s part number (may contain additionaldashes).e = Optional breather/drain BLANK or BD. (IP67 is not applicable when supplied with optionalbreather/drain).Markings II 2 G Ex db IIB+H2 T6 Gb Ta = -20°C to +55°CII 2 D Ex tb IIIC T85°C Db Ta = -20°C to +55°CRatings The D Series Network Ethernet Cameras can be supplied with a variety of cameras (in accordancewith EN 60950 or EN 62368) complying with the IEEE 802.3af, 802.3at, 802.3at++ or 802.3bt PoE (Powerover Ethernet) standard (57Vdc max). Voltage and wattage shall not exceed the maximum testedconfiguration of 57Vdc (60W). The D Series Network Ethernet Cameras are rated for use in an ambienttemperature range of -20°C to +55°C and are IP66/67 (IP67 is not applicable when supplied with optionalbreather/drain). The camera within the enclosure may be placed in any arrangement provided that an areaof at least 40% of each cross-sectional area remains free to permit unimpeded gas flow and, therefore,unrestricted development of an explosion. Separate relief areas may be aggregated provided each area hasa minimum dimension in any direction of 12.5mm.Compliance with the EssentialHealth and Safety Requirementshas been assessed by reference tothe following StandardsEN 60079-0:2012 + A11:2013, EN 60079-1:2014, EN 60079-31:2014,EN 60529:1991 + A1:2000 + A2:2013Factory/Manufacturing Location 8935 Almeda Genoa Rd. Building B Houston Texas 77075Conformity has beendemonstrated with reference tothe following documentation:EU Type Examination Certificate (FM18ATEX0057X - 0)Quality Assurance Notification FM19ATEXQ0130Hubert Lee Rice IICEODate: August 29, 2018Doc No. 1001082920182014/34/EU