AXIS 233D Installation Guide Page 17ENGLISHENGLISHI/O terminal connector blocks (3x8 pins)Pin Function DescriptionPower/Audio1 Power AC 18 - 30 VAC max 25VA power consumption.2 PowerAC/DC+18 - 30 VAC max 25VA power consumption.-or-22 - 40 VDC max 20W power consumption.3 GND Ground4 Vout 12V/200mAVout can be used to power auxiliary equipment, max200mA.5 GND Ground6 Line OUT Mono audio output (line level), which can be connectedto an active speaker with built-in amplifier.7 GND Ground8 Mic/Line IN Input for a mono microphone or line level mono signal.Output1 Out1_1_relay On the external device output terminals (e.g. Out1_1 andOut1_2) there is no distinction between positive and neg-ative. The terminals use a photocoupler and are electri-cally isolated from the other internal circuitry.The maximum load should not exceed 500mA and themaximum voltage should be not more than 50VDC or35VAC.2 Out1_2_relay3 Out2_1_relay4 Out2_2_relay5 Out3_1_relay6 Out3_2_relay7 Out4_1_relay8 Out4_2_relayInput1 In1_anode(+) Electrically isolated from the chassis and connectors,these inputs can be supplied from an external DC voltageor pin 4 (Vout) of the Power/Audio Connector and GND.(3.3 - 40VDC allowed on the inputs)The terminals use a photocoupler and are electrically iso-lated from the other internal circuitry.Note: There is a distinction between anode and cathodewhen making connections!2 In1_cathode(-)3 In2_anode(+)4 In2_cathode(-)5 In3_anode(+)6 In3_cathode(-)7 In4_anode(+)8 In4_cathode(-)