Communications AB cannot be heldresponsible for any technical ortypographical errors and reserves theright to make changes to the productand documentation without priornotice. Axis Communications ABmakes no warranty of any kind withregard to the material containedwithin this document, including, butnot limited to, the implied warrantiesof merchantability and fitness for aparticular purpose. AxisCommunications AB shall not be liablenor responsible for incidental orconsequential damages in connectionwith the furnishing, performance oruse of this material. This product isonly to be used for its intendedpurpose.Disposal and RecyclingWhen this product has reached theend of its useful life, dispose ofit according to local raws andregulations. For information aboutyour nearest designated collectionpoint, contact your local authorityresponsible for waste disposal. Inaccordance with local legislation,penalties may be applicable forincorrect disposal of this waste.EuropeThis symbol means that theproduct shall not be disposedof together with household orcommercial waste. Directive 2012/19/EU on waste electrical and electronicequipment (WEEE) is applicable inthe European Union member states. Toprevent potential harm to humanhealth and the environment, theproduct must be disposed of in anapproved and environmentally saferecycling process. For informationabout your nearest designatedcollection point, contact your localauthority responsible for wastedisposal. Businesses should contactthe product supplier for informationabout how to dispose of this productcorrectly.This product complies with therequirements of Directive 2011/65/EUon the restriction of the use of certainhazardous substances inelectrical and electronic equipment(RoHS).ChinaThis product complies with therequirements of the legislativeact Administration on theControl of Pollution Caused byElectronicInformation Products (ACPEIP).SupportShould you require any technicalassistance, please contact your Axisreseller. If your questions cannot beanswered immediately, your resellerwill forward your queries through theappropriate channels to ensure a rapidresponse. If you are connected to theInternet, you can:• download user documentation andfirmware updates• find answers to resolved problems inthe FAQ database. Search byproduct, category, or phrases• report problems to Axis support bylogging in to your private supportarea.• chat with Axis support staff(selected countries only)• visit Axis Support at you require any technicalassistance, please contact appropriatechannels according to your AVHSlicense agreement to ensure a rapid