LiabilityEvery care has been taken in the preparation ofthis document. Please inform your local Axisoffice of any inaccuracies or omissions. AxisCommunications AB cannot be held responsiblefor any technical or typographical errors andreserves the right to make changes to theproduct and documentation without priornotice. Axis Communications AB makes nowarranty of any kind with regard to the materialcontained within this document, including, butnot limited to, the implied warranties ofmerchantability and fitness for a particularpurpose. Axis Communications AB shall not beliable nor responsible for incidental orconsequential damages in connection with thefurnishing, performance or use of this material.RoHSThis product complies with both theEuropean RoHS directive, 2002/95/EC,and the Chinese RoHS regulations,ACPEIP.WEEE DirectiveThe European Union has enacted aDirective 2002/96/EC on WasteElectrical and Electronic Equipment(WEEE Directive). This directive isapplicable in the European Union memberstates.The WEEE marking on this product (see right) orits documentation indicates that the productmust not be disposed of together withhousehold waste. To prevent possible harm tohuman health and/or the environment, theproduct must be disposed of in an approved andenvironmentally safe recycling process. Forfurther information on how to dispose of thisproduct correctly, contact the product supplier,or the local authority responsible for wastedisposal in your area.Business users should contact the productsupplier for information on how to dispose ofthis product correctly. This product should notbe mixed with other commercial waste. For moreinformation, visit you require any technical assistance,please contact your Axis reseller. If yourquestions cannot be answered immediately, yourreseller will forward your queries through theappropriate channels to ensure a rapid response.If you are connected to the Internet, you can:• download user documentation and softwareupdates• find answers to resolved problems in the FAQdatabase. Search by product, category, orphrase• report problems to Axis support staff bylogging in to your private support area• chat with Axis support staff (selectedcountries only)• visit Axis Support at