Axis body worn solutionTroubleshootingTroubleshootingTechnical issues, clues, and solutionsIf you have issues with your body worn camera, check the camera’s user manual at Cause SolutionDocking station Docking station LED doesn'tturn on.The docking station doesn'thave power.Connect the docking stationto the power supply. Dockingstations can't be powered byPoE.You are using an old version ofAXIS IP Utility.Upgrade to AXIS IP Utilityversion 4.14 or later.System controller is turned off. Connect the system controllerto the power supply.Can't find system controller inAXIS IP Utility.System controller is notconnected correctly to thenetwork.Connect the system controllerto the network.System controllerPermanently lost connectionto extension system controller.Extension system controllerhasn’t been connected tothe system for over eightweeks resulting in expiredcertificates.Contact Axis support.Content destination isunavailable.Check the content destinationstatus on the Dashboard onpage 32 in AXIS Body WornManager.Many simultaneous offloadsaffect transfer speed.Open the device inAXIS Body Worn Managerto check the transfer status.Wait for recordings to betransferred. Transfer statushistory is displayed for threedays after the transfer iscomplete.Camera was undocked beforethe transfer of the recordingwas completed.Open the device inAXIS Body Worn Managerto check the transfer status.Dock the camera and waitfor all recordings to betransferred. Transfer statushistory is displayed for threedays after the transfer iscomplete.The time in the body wornsystem doesn't match the timeof the content destination.Make sure that the bodyworn system and the contentdestination have matchingtime.Recordings don't appear incontent destination.Out of licenses. Check licenses and buyadditional licenses if needed.Content destination54