The pincode systemThe pincode system is intended tomake normal use of your televisionimpossible for someone who doesnot know the pincode. You choosewhether or not to activate thepincode system.When the pincode system is activatedand the television has beendisconnected from the mains formore than 15 minutes, the pincodesystem goes into effect.When reconnected and switched on,the television automatically switchesitself off after four minutes. Enteringthe pincode returns the television tonormal.Activate the pincode systemIf you wish to deactivate the pincode system,you can do so by deleting your pincode.To activate the pincode system …> Press Menu to bring up the TV SETUP menu.> Press twice, followed by STOP. The PINCODEmenu appears on the screen.> Press and use the number buttons on Beo5to enter the four digits of your code. (Beo4: Usethe number buttons).> Press the centre button after the last digit isfound. (Beo4: Press GO).> Re-enter your code to confirm it and press thecentre button again. If the two codes are notidentical, the input fields are cleared and youmust enter the code again. (Beo4: Press GO).To change or delete your pincode …> Press Menu to bring up the TV SETUP menu.> Press twice, followed by STOP. The PINCODEmenu appears on the screen.> Enter the correct pincode and press the centrebutton. DELETE PINCODE is highlighted. (Beo4:Press GO).> To delete your code, press the centre button.(Beo4: Press GO).> To change your code, press to highlightNEW PINCODE and press the centre button.(Beo4: Press and GO). Press , enter thenew code using the number buttons and pressthe centre button. (Beo4: Use the numberbuttons and press GO). Re-enter the new codeto confirm it.If you inadvertently press a wrong button whileentering a code, press BACK. The entry iscancelled and the input fields are cleared. (Beo4:Press STOP).PINCODEnextaccept GOPINCODE 0 . . .CONFIRM PINCODE . . . .PINCODEselect GODELETE PINCODENEW PINCODE1NOTE! If you change your pincode more than fivetimes within a three-hour period, the PINCODEmenu becomes inaccessible for three hours,assuming that the television is not disconnectedfrom the mains. Disconnecting the televisionresets the three-hour period.