Manual 2100-404Page 4SHIPPING DAMAGEUpon receipt of equipment, the carton should bechecked for external signs of shipping damage. Ifdamage is found, the receiving party must contact thelast carrier immediately, preferably in writing,requesting inspection by the carrier’s agent.GENERALThe equipment covered in this manual is to be installedby trained, experienced service and installationtechnicians.The refrigerant system is completely assembled andcharged. All internal wiring is complete.The unit is designed for use with or without duct work.Flanges are provided for attaching the supply and returnducts.These instructions explain the recommended method toinstall the air cooled self-contained unit and theelectrical wiring connections to the unit.These instructions and any instructions packaged withany separate equipment required to make up the entireair conditioning system should be carefully read beforebeginning the installation. Note particularly “StartingProcedure” and any tags and/or labels attached to theequipment.While these instructions are intended as a generalrecommended guide, they do not supersede any nationaland/or local codes in any way. Authorities havingjurisdiction should be consulted before the installation ismade. SeePage 1 for information on codes and standards.Size of unit for a proposed installation should be basedon heat loss calculation made according to methods ofAir Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA). Theair duct should be installed in accordance with theStandards of the National Fire Protection Associationfor the Installation of Air Conditioning and VentilatingSystems of Other Than Residence Type, NFPA No.90A, and Residence Type Warm Air Heating and AirConditioning Systems, NFPA No. 90B. Where localregulations are at a variance with instructions, installershould adhere to local codes.TABLE 3ELECTRIC HEAT TABLEsledoM A-203AWA-273AWB-203AWB-273AW C-203AWC-273AW1-V042 1-V802 3-V042 3-V802 3-V064WK SPMA HUTB SPMA HUTB SPMA HUTB SPMA HUTB SPMA HUTB0.5 8.02 560,71 1.81 008,21 --- --- --- --- --- ---0.01 6.14 031,43 2.63 006,52 --- --- --- --- --- ---0.51 5.26 002,15 1.45 004,83 --- --- --- --- --- ---0.6 --- --- --- --- 4.41 005,02 5.21 063,51 2.7 574,020.9 --- --- --- --- 7.12 006,03 7.81 030,32 8.01 007,030.51 --- --- --- --- 2.63 002,15 2.13 004,83 0.81 002,150.21 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 4.41 059,04