Manual 2100-347HPage 10 of 23FIGURE 4MOUNTING INSTRUCTIONS6 5/8" 6 5/8"1 7/8"21"21"16"16"16"DIM. "D"DIM. "B"DIM. "E"16"DIM. "A"DIM. "C" DIM. "C"30"Supply OpeningReturn OpeningWall BracketWallMountingHolePatternFront view of wall with unit removed1/4" clearance onall (4) sides ofsupply air ductis required fromcombustiblematerialsSupplyAir DuctReturnAir OpeningWallCircuit breakeraccess doorHeater accesspanel Note: It is recommendedthat a bead of siliconecaulking be placed behindthe side mounting flangesand under top flashing attime of installation.MIS-796 ATop flashing detail viewAttach suppliedrain flashing.Apply caulkbetween flashingand wall.Foam air sealSeal with bead ofcaulking along entirelength of top.Supply flangeSide view of wall with unit installedDIM. "A" DIM. "B" DIM. "C" DIM. "D" DIM. "E"Required dimensions tomaintain 1/4" min. clearancefrom combustible materials30 1/2" 10 1/2" 6 1/4" 1 1/4" 29 3/4"Required dimensions tomaintain 1" clearance fromcombustible materials32" 12" 5 1/2" 2" 29"DIMENSION CHARTDIM. "A" DIM. "B" DIM. "C" DIM. "D" DIM. "E"Required dimensions tomaintain 1/4" min. clearancefrom combustible materials30 1/2" 10 1/2" 6 1/4" 1 1/4" 29 3/4"Required dimensions tomaintain 1" clearance fromcombustible materials32" 12" 5 1/2" 2" 29"DIMENSION CHART