Subject to correction and technical modifications 43 Copyright by Becker GmbH, D-76303 KarlsbadInstallation guide12. CalibrationAfter commissioning, a calibration journey is required. During the jour-ney, the speed signal (GAL) is automatically adapted to thevehicle-specific data and the gyro sensor is automatically adaptedto the installation position of the unit.The distance to be covered depends on the type of vehicle and the localconditions.• The adjacent display appears after the language installation.It is possible that GPS reception has deteriorated as a result ofchanging the vehicle position and due to obstructions. In this case,the adjacent display appears.The navigation system is only ready for operation on comple-tion of the calibration journey. The main navigation menu isdisplayed. Final precision is only achieved after a further jour-ney.Adequate GPS reception must be ensured for the calibrationride. This means at least 2-D FIX. With GPS FIX 3-D the cali-bration will be quicker. However: a lower accuracy of the GPSsignal (2-D FIX) does not lead to a poorer calibration, but in-stead will mean that the time and distance needed for the cali-bration will increase.%"13"('1"'23136!%$+,x 81($x23++,,$'$,)%26"3(1 )21)3"('f%"13"('1"'(3)(22"%%,"7