OEM-U8S Page 17 of 435.3. Managing Ports & Your OEM-U8SEach port on your OEM-U8S can be managed either individually, or all together. You can turn the portsoff and on, change the port mode, or change various other settings applicable to the OEM-U8S moreinformation can be found in the LiveViewer section under NVRAM settings. This can be done throughLiveViewer, the CLI or by connecting to the hub via the API.5.3.1 Port ModesCharge Turn specific ports or the whole hub to charge only mode (no dataconnection, hub emulates an OEM charger)Sync Turn specific ports or the whole hub to sync modeBiased Detect the presence of a device but it will not sync or charge itOff Turn specific ports on or off or switch the whole hub on or off (no power and nodata channels open, mimics unplugging the device)5.3.2 Switching port modesYou can switch between port modes by using LiveViewer, the CLI or by connecting to the hub via theAPI. If you switch a port off then this will stop any connection taking place to the USB device andwould mimic unplugging the USB device completely from the host system.If you are in Sync mode and then switch to Charge mode the USB device will disconnect briefly whilstthe profiling process takes place. Once the profiling has taken place, and a charging profile isselected, the device will then draw a charge rate, which will be defined by the charging controllerwithin the USB device. The charging profile will limit the maximum amount that the device is able todraw.If you are in Off or Charge mode and switch to Sync mode the USB device will disconnect brieflywhilst a data connection is opened, the USB device will then become available to the host as if theUSB device is connected directly to the host, and will be able to sync data at a maximum rate of 480(Mbps). The OEM-U8S will also charge the device whilst connected. It is impossible to have a dataconnection to a USB device without any power negotiating, you can reduce the charging ratesavailable by disabling CDP (Charging downstream port).You can disable CDP through NVRAM settings either by going through the hub settings and turning"Sync charge" off or through the API and disabling it via code. For example, using the command line,the instructions would be as below.settings_unlocksettings_set sync_chrg 0000000000000000