MMDDCC44005500IIRR UUsseerr’’ss GGuuiiddeeRev.1.0 (Oct. 2013) 143. On Site Installation3.1. CCeeiilliinngg oorr WWaallll IInnssttaallllaattiioonn1. Open the dome cover2. Make a hole for cables.3. Connect cables* After supplying power (DC or PoE), check the LED indicator4. Fix the camera on wall or ceiling using screw provided.5. Adjust direction and focus using two levers. First time levers are fastened. Unfasten the levers and thenadjust. After finishing focus control, fasten the lever to keep focus.6. Assemble dome cover.TILT : 90˚HorizontalRotation :360˚PAN : 360˚FOCUSZOOM