CC Series Middle Speed Dome Camera User Manual72.1 SW1 SettingsSW1 switches are used to set the address of the dome camera, it iscalculated as below:∑=−×=81)1(2iiisAddressDome⎩⎨⎧−−= ONisiSWwhenOFFisiSWwhenS i 1110Please refer to Table A for detailed address settings; Maximum numberof dome address is 255.2.2 SW2 SettingsCC series dome cameras can be controlled via various communicationprotocols, baud rates. By setting SW2 switches (1, 2, 3,and 4), differentprotocols can be configured; and by setting SW2 switches (5, 6, 7, and 8),different baud rates can be selected. Please refer to Table B forcommunication protocol and baud rate settings. “Reserved” switches arethose that are reserved for future use, they are not available at present.