CBUQBR User Manual80-14004000-013–10A) LINE 1 PRIMARYB) LINE 1 SECONDARYC) LINE 2 PRIMARYD) LINE 2 SECONDARYE) LINE 3 PRIMARYF) LINE 3 SECONDARYG) LINE 4 PRIMARYH) LINE 4 SECONDARY3.5.4 ISDN MenuA) DISPLAY A) ENABLED Displays informationmessages from the ISDNnetwork.B) DISABLED(F)Inhibits this display.B) MULTIDROP A) ENABLED Additional TE equipment canbe plugged into the BRI linesin parallel with the CBUQBR.B) DISABLED(F)Multidrop operation isdisabled.3.5.5 Clock ModeA) CLOCK MODE A) MASTER The QBRM sources the clockfor the shelf from the network.*) SLAVE Menu is not available.