Central Site CUSTOMER RELEASE NOTES06/99 P/N: 9032577-02 Subject to Change Without Notice Page: 7F0615-C35 Industrial WayPO Box 5005Rochester, NH 03867-5005(603) 332-9400H0 Calls:• H0 Calls are not supported on NET5 switches.Solution:The initial configuration to enable H0 calls for users must be done in CFGEDIT. Subsequentchanges may be made in either Manage Mode or CFGEDIT.Any other problems than those listed above should be reported to our Technical Support Staff. See section titledGlobal Call Support for contact information.MEMORY USAGE:Memory Requirements for UAA Release 7.4:The UAA 7.4 software release requires a minimum 8 Mbytes of DRAM in the NE2000-II/4000/5000, and32 Mbytes of DRAM in the NE7000 and CSX5500/6000/7000 platforms.Notes:1. The NE2000-II/4000/5000 platforms come equipped with 8 Mbytes of DRAM from the factory butaccept up to 12 Mbytes.2. New CSX5500/6000/7000 platforms come equipped with 32 Mbytes of DRAM from the factory.3. Older CSX6000/7000 platforms come equipped with either 8 or 32 Mbytes from the factorydepending on the date of shipment. Owing to the increased feature content, enhanced multi-protocolsupport and increased connection capacity of UAA 7.4, customers planning to upgrade their existing8 Mbyte platforms to UAA 7.4 may require a memory upgrade. Contact your Cabletronrepresentative for more information about 32 MByte upgrade kits.4. The SmartSwitch 9W006 and 9W007 Remote Access Modules for the SmartSwitch 9000 comeequipped with 32 Mbytes of DRAM from the factory.COMPLIANCE SUPPORT:Compliance Issue ApprovedYear 2000 YesLeap Year YesMillennium NoIETF STANDARDS AND/OR RFC SUPPORT:RFC No. Title768 User Datagram Protocol (UDP)791 Internet Protocol (IP)793 Transport Control Protocol (TCP)877 X.251157 SNMP1321 MD5 Message Digest1334 PPP Authentication