Installing a Node 2-41Rebooting or Shutting Down a NodeDuring normal operation, an FRX8000 with a monitor or Auxiliary Console willdisplay the FRX8000 Test Menu, shown in Figure 2-12. A hidden menu item onthis screen allows an operator to re-IPL (reboot) a node. If the node is an ICP orINM, this operation can also be used to shut the node down. The menu item ishidden simply because of its impact on the node. Rebooting disrupts normal oper-ation of the node, and should be performed only if necessary.Rebooting clears all connections on the node. Before doingthis, make sure all users of the node are aware it will be goingoff line.To shut down an Enterprise Switch, simply power the node off.To reboot any node type, or shut down an ICP or INM:1. Press [C] at the FRX8000 Test Menu (Figure 2-12).2. An Enterprise Switch will display: Reboot?An ICP or INM will display: Reboot (R to reboot, T to terminate).To reboot an Enterprise Switch, press [Y]; to reboot an ICP or INM, press [R] .To shut down an ICP or INM, press [T] and go to step 3.3. At the [NETLINK] prompt, type logout [Enter].4. At the UNIX login prompt, type root [Enter].5. When prompted, enter your root password (mypass if the software wasinstalled at Cabletron).6. At the # prompt, type: sync ; shutdown -g0 [Enter]. (Ignore any warnings to logoff.)7. After several seconds, you will be asked: Do you want to continue? (y or n).Type y [Enter] to continue with the shutdown process.8. Messages will be displayed as the shutdown proceeds, ending with:** Safe to Power Off **- or -** Press any key to Reboot **Switch the node off.