Helpful Hints for Configuring SmartTrunkA-29. After all ports have been added, highlight the SmartTrunk State field. Pressthe Spacebar to select ENABLED.10. Highlight the SAVE command, and then press the Return key.11. Repeat this procedure on the device that is connected to the trunk ports justconfigured.12. Once both ends of the Trunk are configured, port states for the group willchange from Disabled to Enabled.Creating a Second Trunk GroupTo create a second trunk Group:1. Highlight the Add/Remove Group field. Make sure the [ADD/DELETE] fieldto the right on the same line is configured to [ADD].2. Type the name of the SmartTrunk group you wish to create. Highlight theSAVE field, and then press the Return key.3. Continue to add ports to the group as described in the preceding section.In order to minimize the interruption to network traffic while trunking is beingconfigured, it is recommended that a port between the switches remains outsidethe group until the trunking links are active.As soon as you enable a trunking group on one end of the trunk, all traffic willstop until the other end of the trunk is enabled. Leaving one port out of the groupwill allow traffic to flow between switches while trunking is configured andinitialized. After the trunk group is running, the single port will block and thetrunking path will become the active data path. At this point, the single port maybe added to the trunking group.If this is not possible, it is recommended that the trunking groups be created, andports added on both ends of the trunk before trunking is enabled. Reducing thetime between enabling both ends of the group will reduce network interruptions.NOTEThe group must be created and saved prior to adding ports to the group.NOTE