INSTALLING THE CONCENTRATOR MODULE3-1CHAPTER 3INSTALLING THECONCENTRATOR MODULEThis chapter contains instructions for installing your concentratormodule into a Cabletron Systems MMAC product and connectingtoken ring stations at the concentrator module’s trunk couplingunit (TCU) ports.Check that all requirements listed in Chapter 2, InstallationRequirements/ Specifications, have been met before installing andoperating the concentrator module. When you install yourconcentrator module, the following guidelines will help you toproperly configure your system:• The concentrator module cannot be installed into the rightmostslot. This slot is reserved for specific management/bridging/repeater modules.• When the concentrator module is being installed into anMMAC-8, be sure that a PSM or PSM-R is installed in theassociated rear power supply slot. The PSM or PSM-R, PowerSupply Module is the source of power for MMAC modules.One Power Supply Module is required for every two MIMs.Note: The PSM-R (Redundant Power Supply Module) is recommendedfor use with the MMAC-8FNB (with a Flexible Network Bus).• Multiple token ring products, within an MMAC, areautomatically linked at power on, provided that the followingconditions are met:- The MMAC must be configured with an FNB, (either anMMAC-3FNB, MMAC-5FNB, MMAC-8FNB or anMMAC-M8FNB). Without the FNB, the individual MIMswill not be linked, but will form independent Token Ringnetworks.