Tel: 855.CADETUS PO Box 1675 Vancouver, WA 98668-1675%HQH¿WVSAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSEnergy Plus HeaterOwner’s GuideFNONOHEATFANONLYSLEEPHEAT+5/8”1.6cm 9”22.9cmSide Grill Front Wall Can SideWall Can Bottom12”30.5cm10”25.4cm111/8”28.3cm3¼”8.3cm 1¼”3.2cm1¾”4.5cm 1¼”3.2cm3”7.6cm 4”10.2cm7 7/8”20.0cmFNONOHEATModel:Volts:Watts:WARNING! TO AVOID ELECTRICAL SHOCKDisconnect power at circuit breaker before servicing.Do not operate without grill.cadetheat.comVancouver, WA Mfg Date:Before pushingRESET button seeOwner’s Guidefor display faultcodes and othertroubleshootinginformation.3108579conformsto UL STD2021072xxxTOOLS REQUIRED:• Phillips Screwdriver• Straight Screwdriver• Wire Strippers• Utility Knife• (4) 1½" Wood Screws• (2) Insulated Wire Connectors• (1) Strain Relief Connector• 6HQVLEOHDQGHQHUJ\HI¿FLHQWXVHXSWROHVVenergy• %ULQJV\RXRQO\WKHKHDW\RXQHHGZKHQ\RXQHHGLWand adjusts automatically to save you money• -perature within one degree• Our most thoughtful design features:Large digital display shows your room temperatureand heating mode(DV\LQWXLWLYHRQHWRXFKFRQWUROVNight/Away option for extra savings,PSURYHDLUFLUFXODWLRQDGGFRPIRUWLQRIIVHDVRQwith three fan speeds• ,QVWDOOVLQHDV\VWHSV• Common sense components designed with you inmind:Peace of mind safety with automatic hightemperature shutoffNo sharp edgesCorrosion resistantOur sturdiest element provides comfortable warmthfor years of reliable use• Your Energy Plus heater has been thoroughly testedand is guaranteed with a \HDUH[WHQGHGZDUUDQW\(QHUJ\3OXV0RGHOV/LQH9ROWDJH 0RGHO :DWWV $PSV120 (37 1000 8.3 is also available on our website:Page 1Energy Plus Model With Built-In Controller:DOO7KHUPRVWDW1RW5HTXLUHGController with Digital Displayand Push ButtonsRating LabelPATENT PENDINGConforms to UL Std.DQG&HUWL¿HGWRCAN/CSA Std. C22.2No. 46COM-PAK