Black plate (56,1)Cadillac CTS/CTS-V Navigation System - 2014 - crc - 6/21/1356 Infotainment SystemSetting the ClockThe navigation system time and theanalogue clock are separatefeatures. Changing the time throughthe navigation system will notchange the time on the analogueclock and vice versa. See “Clock” inthe owner manual.To set the time:1. Press the CONFIG controlbutton to enter the menuoptions, then press the CONFIGcontrol button repeatedly untilthe time is selected or press theclock screen button in the upperright corner of the screen.2. Press the Hours and Minutes –(minus) and + (plus) signs todecrease and increase the time.12/24 HR Format: Select the 12HR screen button for standard time;select the 24 HR screen button formilitary time.DD/MM or MM/DD Format: Pressthe + (plus) or − (minus) displaybuttons to increase or decrease theMM, DD, and YYYY date display.Auto GPS Update: Press eitherthe On or Off display buttons. If On,the GPS update featureautomatically updates the dateand time.Daylight Savings: Press either theOn or Off display buttons. Press Onto jump ahead for daylight savingstime. Press Off to fall back out ofdaylight savings time.Time Zone: Auto GPS Updatemust be off before the time zonecan be changed. Select the changedisplay button to select the desiredtime zone.Global PositioningSystem (GPS)The navigation system determinesthe position of the vehicle by usingsatellite signals, various vehiclesignals, and map data.At times, other interferences suchas the satellite condition, roadconfiguration, the condition of thevehicle and/or other circumstancescan interfere with the navigationsystem's ability to determine theaccurate position of the vehicle.The GPS shows the current positionof the vehicle using signals sent byGPS Satellites. When the vehicle isnot receiving signals from thesatellites, a symbol appears on themap screen. Refer to Symbols.This system may not be available orinterferences may occur if any of thefollowing is true:. Signals are obstructed by tallbuildings, trees, large trucks,or a tunnel.