o Reviewed with Customer (Please Check Box)Refer to Owner Manual for further information.DriverInformation Safety & Security Comfort Entertainment Convenience OwnerPrivileges™Performance &Maintenance11MULTIPLE-DISC CD PLAYER(if equipped)With the in-dash 6-Disc CD Player,note that you cannot directly load aCD as in single-play systems.To Load a Single CD:• Press and release the Load button.Wait for the display prompt toload the CD.To Load Multiple CDs:• Press and hold the Load button fortwo seconds. Follow the displayprompts to load each CD. Pressthe Load button again to cancelloading more CDs.To Play a Specific CD:• Press the numbered pushbuttonthat corresponds to the loaded CDnumber on the display.To Eject a CD:• To eject the CD that is currentlyplaying, press the button once.• To eject all CDs, press and holdthe button for two seconds.If a CD is not removed after severalseconds, it will be automaticallypulled back into the player.AUDIO STEERING WHEELCONTROLSA number of audio controls can beadjusted at the steering wheel.+ – (Volume): Press the plus orminus button to adjust the volume.SRCE (Source): Press this button toswitch between AM, FM, XM (ifequipped) and CD operation.(Seek): Press the seek arrow to goto the next radio station or, when aCD is playing, to the next track.Press and hold the seek arrow fortwo seconds to scan radio stations inthe selected band or, when a CD isplaying, the tracks of the CD.(Next/Previous): Press the up ordown arrows to go to the next orprevious preset radio station or,when a CD is playing, to the next orprevious track.(Voice Recognition/Mute): Pressthis button to interact with theOnStar system (if equipped).Without OnStar, press this button tosilence the system. Press it again toturn the sound on.Note: CDs with any labels may jam in theCD player. Label a CD using a permanentmarker. If more than one CD is insertedinto the slot at one time, or if scratchedor damaged CDs are played, the CD playercould be damaged. When using the CDplayer, use only CDs in good conditionwithout labels; load one CD at a time; andkeep the CD player and the loading slotfree of foreign materials, liquids anddebris.