76 — Machinist calc® Pro 2WarrantYCalculated Industries ("CI") warrants this product againstdefects in materials and workmanship for a period of one (1)year from the date of original consumer purchase in the U.S.If a defect exists during the warranty period, CI at its optionwill either repair (using new or remanufactured parts) orreplace (with a new or remanufactured calculator) the productat no charge.THE WARRANTY WILL NOT APPLY TO THE PRODUCTIF IT HAS BEEN DAMAgED BY MISUSE, ALTERATION,ACCIDENT, IMPROPER HANDLINg OR OPERATION,OR IF UNAUTHORIzED REPAIRS ARE ATTEMPTED ORMADE. SOME ExAMPLES OF DAMAgES NOT COVEREDBY WARRANTY INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO,BATTERY LEAKAgE, BENDINg, A BLACK "INK SPOT" ORVISIBLE CRACKINg OF THE LCD, WHICH ARE PRESUMEDTO BE DAMAgES RESULTINg FROM MISUSE OR ABUSE.To obtain warranty service in the U.S., please go to thewebsite. A repaired or replacement product assumes theremaining warranty of the original product or 90 days,whichever is longer.non-Warranty repair service – U.s.a.Non-warranty repair covers service beyond the warrantyperiod, or service requested due to damage resulting frommisuse or abuse. Contact Calculated Industries at the numberlisted above to obtain current product repair information andcharges. Repairs are guaranteed for 90 days.