© CamRanger – Patent Pending 15Camera PropertiesThe above diagram indicates each of the camera properties that can be set. Not allproperties can be set for all cameras or in all modes. For example, the diagram isfrom a session with a Canon camera and for most Canons the camera mode cannotbe set. Disabled properties are indicated with a darker button background.Nikon Connection ModeNikon cameras allow connections in two different modes: “PC” and “Camera”. (Seethe Advanced Settings dialog for how to change between the modes.) The keydifference is that PC mode allows the CamRanger user to adjust properties that arecontrolled via a physical switch or dial on the camera, and would otherwise bedisabled in Camera mode. However, in PC mode no property changes donephysically to the camera will be recognized and any changes made throughCamRanger will be lost after disconnecting. PC mode also prevents triggeringimages from the camera itself, and the CamRanger app must be set to Camera modeto allow physically triggering from the camera. It should also be noted that theconnection mode cannot be changed while live view is active.