www.canadiansolar.com| 9· The mounting design must be certified by aregistered professional engineer. The mountingdesign and procedures must comply with localcodes and requirements from all relevantauthorities.· Canadian Solar Inc. does not provide mountinghardware.· Standard modules can be mounted onto a supportstructure using one of several approved methods.One such method is described below. For details ofother mounting methods and the methodsrecommended by Canadian Solar Inc. for specialmodule ranges, please refer to our InstallationManual Annex (Section Annex A: AlternativeMounting Methods) on our website (www.canadiansolar.com). For information aboutother installation hardware, please contact yourlocal representative. Failure to use a recognizedinstallation method will void the Canadian SolarInc. warranty.· Use appropriate corrosion-proof fastening materi-als. All mounting hardware (bolts, spring washers,flat washers, nuts) should be stainless steel.· Use a torque wrench for installation.· Do not drill additional holes or modify the moduleframe. Doing so will void the warranty.· Standard modules can be installed in eitherlandscape or portrait orientations. Refer to thedetailed instructions for further guidance. Pleasenote that in areas with heavy snowfall (> 2400Pa) further countermeasures such as the use ofadditional support bars should be considered toavoid snow loads damaging the lowest row ofmodules.· In cases where an additional support bar isrecommended to improve both mechanicalstability and long-term module performance,Canadian Solar recommends selectingsufficiently resistant material. Canadian Solar Inc.recommends bars with a minimum thickness of 50mm (1.97 in). The support bar centerline shouldbe positioned within 100 mm (3.94 in) of the sideframe centerline (slight shifts may be necessary toaccess module grounding holes).6.1MOUNTING METHOD: BOLTING· The mounting method has been qualified byCanadian Solar Inc. and certified by VDE. Modulesshould be bolted to support structures through themounting holes in the rear frame flanges only.· Each module must be securely fastened at aminimum of 4 points on two opposite sides M6X1-Grade8.8 (1/4”-20 Grade B7) bolt and nut are usedfor bolting method (exception: M8X1.25-Grade8.8(5/16”-18 Grade B7) bolt and nut are used for CS6Uand CS6K series modules). Tightening torquesshould be within 6~12 Nm (4.4-8.9 ft-lbs) and17~23 Nm (12.5~17.0 ft-lbs) respectively for M6(1/4”-20) and M8 (5/16”-18) coarse thread bolts,depending on bolt class. In areas with heavywind loads, additional mounting points shouldbe used. The system designer and the installerare responsible for calculating the load andensuring that the support structure meets therequirements.The loads described in this manual correspondsto test loads. For calculating the equivalentmaximum authorized design loads, a safety factorof 1.5 should be applied as per IEC61215-2 andUL1703 standards. Project design loads depend onconstruction, applicable standards, location andlocal climate. Determination of the design loadsis the responsibility of the racking suppliers orprofessional engineers. For detailed information,please follow local structural code or contact yourprofessional structural engineer.Mounting method: Bolting· Modules should be bolted at the following holelocations depending on the configuration and load:BoltFrameand RailNutSpringWasherPlainWasherPlainWasher