Cannon Fitzroy Inbuilt Power Flue | 17serViCe instrUCtions (Do not MoDify tHis aPPlianCe)To Replace The Burner And Spark/Sense Electrodes1. remove the logs from the burner chamber.2. remove the burner chamber front panel, 7 screws.3. Disconnect the 16mm nut at the inlet of the injector.4. Disconnect the spark and sense electrodes from theignition module.5. remove the 2 M5 wing nuts from under the burner.lift the burner assembly upward and carefully removefrom the burner chamber.6. replace in reverse order, checking correct location ofspark/sense electrodes. Spark gap between electrodeand spark plate is 6 - 8 mm. Flame sense electrodemust be in constant flame. Check for gas tightness.For log placement refer page 14 of this manual.To Replace The Combustion Fan (Fig 38)The Combustion Fan is accessed from the rear of theheater. Therefore to replace the combustion fan theheater must be removed from the fireplace. The flueterminal may need to be removed from the flue hosesto allow the heater to be moved.1. remove the rear cover2. Disconnect combustion fan wiring from loom.3. remove the rear cover.4. remove the four (4) screws securing the fan to fan duct.5. remove fan assembly from fan duct.6. replace in reverse order.To Replace The Electronic Controller1. remove the fascia. refer to page 13 of theinstallation booklet2. Disconnect the plugs on box.3. remove the screw retaining the bracket4. replace the control box5. Check and re-set gas pressures.To Replace Power CordContact Sampford IXl service department.fig 38 removing Combustion FanFlame SenseElectrodefig 37Clear Silicon TubeBlack Silicon Tubefig 36 room fanfig 39 Securing the burner bed