15CANNONCANNONCANNONCANNONCANNON® High-Temperature High-Shear Viscometer Series II Instruction & Operation ManualRevision 1.0d—June, 2011;CANNONCANNONCANNONCANNONCANNON® Instrument Company2139 High Tech Road • State College, PA 16803 • USACHAPTER5 STANDARD HTHS TESTPROCEDUREThe procedure below should be followed whenever taking measurementswith the HTHS Viscometer. Before meaningful data can be obtained,however, each of the viscometric cells must be calibrated with thestandards provided (see CALIBRATION chapter). Before calibrating theHTHS, complete several test measurements with a readily-available oil tobecome familiar with the operation of the unit. Frequency of recalibrationis at the user's discretion. Always recalibrate if changing the test tempera-ture (usually 150°C).Preliminary checklistFollow the preliminary checklist below to prepare a sample run for theHTHS:1. Open the flow valve on your pressurized nitrogen supply to theHTHS (an internal ballast tank provides a pressure reservoir forefficient HTHS operation).2. Make sure that the waste oil container is in its position at the base ofthe HTHS under the viscometer cell exit tubes. Cap the HTHS exittubes to prevent oil leakage during the preliminary part of the test.Satisfactory stoppers are available from CANNON® (Catalog #9726-N98; package of 12).CAUTION When removing and replacing stoppers, always use a protectiveglove rated for protection at 150°C to prevent burns.3. Attach the syringe tube (charge cylinder), which will containthe oil sample, to the Luer fitting on the desired viscometercell holder at the top of the HTHS.4. Turn the Cell Selection switch on the HTHS front panel tothe number of the desired test cell. Pour approximately 5 mlof sample into the charge cylinder. This quantity of oilsample will be used to flush any oil remaining from theprevious HTHS sample run.5. Open the plug valve for the desired viscometer cell byturning the green plug valve handle counterclockwise to avertical position.6. Place the Syringe Hose Adapter over the top aperture of thecharge cylinder and apply pressure to seal the sponge padagainst the charge cylinder opening (see photo).Plug valve open with SyringeHose Adapter installed