Read the Timer instructions in this book carefullyremembering that the Cook period is the length oftime that the timer will switch the oven(s) on as partof an Auto Cooking Programme.The electricity supply to the cooker may have beeninterrupted, but has now come back on again. Setthe correct time of day by following the instructionsgiven in the Timer section of this book.The Timer may be set for an Auto Cookingprogramme. Check the Timer to see if “AUTO” isilluminated. If it is, follow the instructions given inthe Timer section of this book to cancel the AutoCooking programme.The oven lamp is not covered by the guarantee. Thepart is easily changed (see the section on oven lampreplacement). A new lamp may be obtained fromour Parts Department (see Key Contacts, back page).PROBLEM CHECK26SOMETHING WRONGWITH YOUR COOKERIf there is still a problem contact your local Service office(see KEY CONTACTS, back page).Cannot set an ‘Auto Cook’programme or cannot getthe Timer to turn the ovenon or off at the requiredtimes.Timer display shows ‘0:00’with ‘AUTO’ flashing.Fanned oven does not work,but the grill, top oven andhotplate burners work.Oven lamp does not work.