Technical Information. Wireless Communication, FP, TTL Flash, and External flash metering(1) For FP "Flat Firing" an inductance of about 60μH is necessary, so for flat firing IC107Spin 118 goes low, turning off BRC1 and SCR2 and placing both L2 and L3, a total of60μH, in series with the Xenon tube.(2) For ordinary M flash, wireless communication flash pulses and external flash meteringfiring, IC107S pin 118 goes high turning RQ30, and RQ33 on which turns BCR1 andSCR2 on. At the same time RQ31 turns IT1's 30V on.(3) When SCR2 is on the circuit is through L2 (30μH), and SCR2, bypassing L3 (30μH), sothe total inductance is only 30mH.The reasons for this circuit are as follows:• When using ordinary TTL, with an inductance of 60μH the extra energy in the coilmakes it difficult to cut off the Xenon tube quickly, resulting in a longer than necessaryflash and overexposure.The Speedlite 380 and 220EX have a single 60μH coil. Precedence is given toflat firing at the expense of TTL operation. (Since E-TTL is basically manual flash,compensation is made within the flash.)The Speedlite 580EX II will likely be used with the EOS-1N in TTL mode soperformance must be maintained at the same level as the Speedlite 540EZ which has a30mH coil.The dual 30mH coil design makes this possible.• In E-TTL compensation could be made using 60μH, as in the Speedlite 380 and220EX, at a small sacrifice in maximum power (Guide No.), but the dual 30μH coildesign makes this unnecessary.Speedlite Coil Inductance540EZ 30μH380/220EX 60μH550EX 30μH x2580EX 30μH x2580EX II 30μH x2• When used in the wireless communication mode, only one coil is used to keep the timeconstant as small as possible for short pulses.