2.9 Ink Sensor2.10 Printing Position Sensor2.11 Purge Sensor Connector3-15BJC-6200Part 3: Appendix Appendix13 131 3Figure 3-15 Ink SensorPin No.123SignalINK/PWM...INKSIN/OUTIN...OUTFunctionPhoto LED drive voltage in the ink sensorGNDVoltage varying according to the reflected light amount14Figure 3-16 Print Position SensorPin No.1234SignalREGASNSGREGCLGNDIN/OUTOUT...OUT...FunctionDrive voltage to the print position sensor's LEDGNDVoltage varying according to the reflected light amountGND131 313Figure 3-17 Purge SensorPin No.123SignalVSEN...SNS_DO_RUCKIN/OUTIN...OUTFunctionPhoto LED drive voltage in the ink sensorGNDPump sensor sense signal High (sense)/Low