COPYRIGHT 2000 CANON INC. CANOSCAN N650U/N656U/N1220U REV.0 JUNE 2000 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)PREFACEThis service manual contains the basic information necessary for servicing the N650U/N656U/N1220U image scanners.The service manual consists of the following chapters.Chapter 1: General DescriptionsFeatures, specifications, exterior features, installation, customer’s dailymaintenanceChapter 2: Operation and TimingBasic operation, optical system, image processing system, control system,power supplyChapter 3: Mechanical SystemExternals, drive system, optical system, electrical systemChapter 4: Maintenance and ServicingPeriodical replacement parts, consumable parts durability, periodicalservicing, special tools, solvents and lubricantsChapter 5: TroubleshootingIntroduction, troubleshooting, location of electrical parts, canon scannertestChapter 6: Parts CatalogAppendix: General Circuit Diagram, Main PCB Circuit Diagram, USB Connector PCBCircuit DiagramThe information in this service manual is subject to change as the product is improved.All relevant information in such cases will be provided by the service information bulletins.A thorough understanding of the N650U/N656U/N1220U, based on the service manual andservice information bulletins, is vital to the serviceman in maintaining the product quality andperformance, and in locating and repairing the cause of malfunctions.