Scanning Film120 Format Films IIII'II.lII!IIIIIII'II.lII!III IIilIIIIIflIIII_IIilIIIIIflIIIIIIilIIIIIflIIII ........._ ..._CDOpen the film holder on the film guide, place the film facedown and close the film holder.~Align the Film Guide's tab with the FILM symbol on thedocument glass of the scanner.Using a Film Retainer SheetCurled film strips can stick to the document glass and causea pattern of rings called Newton Rings to appear on thescanned image. If this occurs, scan using the supplied filmretainer sheet as shown in the diagram.(A) Scan with the film retainer sheet inserted beneath thefilm.(8) If Newton Rings still appear after following Instruction(A), turn the film strip over and place it in the film holderwith the film retainer sheet on top so that the film edgesare held down for scanning. Then preview the image inScanGear CS and click the [Mirror] button to reverse theimage before initiating the final scan.3 Close the document cover.(A)Film retainersheetWith its glossy sidefacing upward, slipthe film retainersheet under the film.(8)Hold the film edgesdown by placingthe film retainersheet on top withits glossy side facingdownward.Film Holder• You can purchase the Accessory Kit for CanoScan 8400F (CSAK-8400F) if the protectivesheet or Film Guides are lost or damaged.