CanoScan Toolbox 1111. Enhancing a Scanned ImageThe CanoScan Toolbox provides a wide variety of imaging tools you can use to modify and enhanceimages you scan.Cropping a Scanned ImageTo crop an image:1. Open the image you want to crop by choosing Open Image from the File menu, or click the Scanbutton from the CanoScan Toolbox Main window.2. Select either the Rectangle Select tool (to select regular shapes) or the Lasso tool (to selectirregular shapes) from the editing toolbox and move the cursor over the image window.3. Click and drag the cursor over the image, so the portion of the image you want to keep is containedinside the selection area.4. Choose Crop from the Image menu. The area outside of the selected portion of the image isdiscarded.Changing the Image Viewing SizeTo change the image viewing size:1. Open the image you want to view using the Open Image command from the File menu, or scan anew image by clicking on the Scan button.2. Choose the Zoom In or Zoom Out command from the Image menu, or click the Magnifier tool inthe Editing toolbox.3. Position the cursor over the image window and click to enlarge the view (Zoom In) or press theOption key and click the mouse to reduce the view (Zoom Out).Zoom in on an image when you want to see more details in the image. Use the Zoom Out feature to seemore of the image.NOTE: Changing the image viewing size does NOT alter the actual image size. The zoom capabilitiesonly modify the image display.