COPYRIGHT © 2005 CANON ELECTRONICS INC. CANON DR-2580C FIRST EDITION APR. 2005 2-29CHAPTER 2 FUNCTION & OPERATION• Processing only by single image dataIn case of scan area specification, thefront area is different from the back area.In case of the flatbed, only one side exists.Thus, binder holes are removed as fol-lows.This machine determines the objects asbinder holes and deletes those if the de-grees of circularity* of such objects whichexist in a target image area (20 mmaround) exceed 0.8.However, the objects whose area is 10mm2 or less are excluded.* Degree of circularity = (area × 4π)/(circumference) 210) Blank SkipJudgment as to whether or not to record adocument is determined by comparing theactual number of picture elements of thedocument with the user-preset percent-age (0% to 20%) of number of black pic-ture elements.However, the margin of an image data(10% of lengths of each side edge) is ex-cluded. Thus, the number of black pictureelements in the central area is comparedwith the user-defined number of blackpicture elements. If the number of blackpicture elements in this target area ex-ceeds the predefined number, the dataare recorded. If not, the data are not re-corded.Target area10%10%10% 10%Figure 2-527