~ About ExposureSetting the ExposureWhen taking photographs using TTLmetering , no exposure compensation isnecessary to meter the light coming throughthe lens.With TTL metering , AE (autoexposure) ISpossible at a ll focusing distances. Just set thedesired picture-taking mode, then c he ck theshutter speed and aperture before taking thepicture.Magnification and Effective f-numberTh e aperture displayed by th e came ra assu me sthat the focus is set to infinity. Th e ac tu al aperture(effective f-number) becomes darker (effective f-number increas es) at closer fo cusing distances(magnifica tion increases). This does not causeexposure problems for normal picture-taking.However, for closeup photography, you cannotignore the change in the effective f-number.When you use a handheld exposure meter toset the exposure , you must take into accountthe exposure factor shown in the followingtable.ENG -6Magnification 1 : 5 1: 4 1: 3 1 : 2 1:1 .5 1 : 1Effective fi No. 3.50 3.66 3.89 4.39 4.86 5.84Exposure Factorlin I ,stops + , +, +1 +1 +1 + +2(st ops ) lin stops +1- + 1.3 +1 +H· +1 1- +2[iI • The correct exposure for a close-up shot largelydepends on th e subject. Therefore, it isrecommended to take several shots of the samesubject at different exposure s.• When taking close-up shots, it is recommendedto use aperture-priority AE (Av) or Manual (M)picture-taking modes, because depth of fieldand exposure are easy to adjust in thosemodes... If your eye will not be covering the eyepiece whenthe picture is taken (with remote control operation,etc.), use the eyepiece shutter or eyepiece cover.This prevents stray light from entering th eeyepiece and throwing off the proper exposure.