8IntroductionPreparinga SampleBasicWindowsPre-adjustmentsImageCharacteristicsSavingPreferencesReferenceContentsYou can adjust the image characteristics of the Picture Style file by usingthe various functions of the [Tool palette].Because the adjustments made with the [Tool palette] are immediatelyapplied to the image in the main window, you can check the results asyou work.Tool PaletteSelect a Picture Style to be used as a basis (p.9)Sharpness, Contrast, Color saturation,Color tone settings (p.10)Minute adjustments toa specified color (p.11)Save a Picture Style file (p.15)Load a Picture Style file (p.10)Adjust the brightness and contrast (gamma characteristic) (p.14)Adjustment color list (p.13)Color display mode (p.14)You can select the [View] menu ` [Tool palette] to alternate the [Toolpalette] show/hide.Pre-adjusting the ImagesSample images used in the adjustment process (p.2) which do not haveproper exposure or white balance can be adjusted using the[Preliminary adjustment] window to correct their brightness and whitebalance.However, please remember that adjustments made with the [Preliminaryadjustment] window are merely pre-adjustments for correctingadjustments made with the [Tool palette] (Description on the left). Forthis reason, adjustments made with the [Preliminary adjustment] windoware not saved in the Picture Style file which you create.If the sample image used for making the adjustments has properexposure and white balance, you do not have to make adjustments withthe [Preliminary adjustment] window.1 Select the [Tools] menu ` [Preliminary adjustment].¿ The [Preliminary adjustment] window appears.O When the [Preliminary adjustment] window appears, the displayswitches to normal display, even if the main window display isshowing a comparison of an image before and after adjustment(p.6).2 Adjust to correct the brightness of the image.¿ The adjustments are applied to the image.Correcting the BrightnessDrag to the left or rightto adjustCOPY