143. Register the fax number and unit name.Press [ ] or [ ] to highlight, and then press [OK].To display the “Fax Setup Guide” if you highlight ,press [ ] (Menu) → → . Press [ ] or [ ] to highlight, and then press [OK].Press [OK].Perform fax setup?Set up NowSet up LaterEnter the unit’stelephone number.Register Unit Tel No.031234567+What happens with the unit nameOnce the information has been registered, it is printed atthe top of each page that you send.Sending Date/TimeFax/Telephone Number(FAX No.)Page NumberSender Name(Unit Name)Telephone NumberMark01/01/2011 02:07 PM FAX 123XXXXXXX CANON P.0001Enter information (text, symbols, and numbers)using the following keys.#C NumerickeysŸźŻŹOKEntering text, symbols, and numbersEnter text, symbols, and numbers using the numeric keysor press [ ] (SYMBOLS).Key Entry mode: Entry mode: Entry mode: <12>@ . - _ / 1ABC abc 2DEF def 3GHI ghi 4JKL jkl 5MNO mno 6PQRS pqrs 7TUV tuv 8WXYZ wxyz 9(Not available) 0- . * # ! “ , ; : ^ ` _ = / | ‘ ? $ @ % & + \ ( ) [ ] { } < > (Not available)Deleting text, symbols, or numbersTo delete text, numbers, and symbols, press [ ] (Clear).To delete all text, numbers, and symbols, press and hold [ ] (Clear).Entering TextChanging the entry modePress [ ] to highlight , and thenpress [OK]. You can also press [ ] (Tone) tochange the entry mode.Entry Mode Text that Can Be Entered Uppercase letters and symbols Lowercase letters and symbols<12> NumbersMoving the cursor (entering a space)Move the cursor by pressing [ ] or [ ]. To entera space, move the cursor to the end of the text,and then press [ ].Register the unittelephone number forthis machine.*Next Screen: Press OKPress [OK].Press [ ] or [ ] to highlight, and then press [OK].Enter.Register Unit NameABCEntry Mode: ARegister unit name.(Sender name,company name, etc.)*Next Screen: Press OK PreviousNext |